Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

NeuroWRAP: integrating, validating, and sharing neurodata analysis workflows

Imagine you’re trying to solve a complex puzzle, but each person is using a different method and different pieces of information. That’s what it’s like for neuroscientists analyzing multiphoton calcium imaging data. The NeuroWRAP tool aims to bring everyone together by integrating various algorithms and custom workflows into a single platform. It not only simplifies […]

Published on April 25, 2023

Unraveling the Impact of Aging and Lipocalin-2 on Mouse Behavior

Imagine the brain as a beautiful garden that grows and flourishes in its youth, but gradually withers and loses its vibrancy as it ages. This natural process, just like an aging garden, can lead to behavioral changes and cognitive decline in mice. However, scientists have discovered a potential key player in this aging process – […]

Published on April 24, 2023