Imagine you’re juggling two different tasks – switching between them quickly can be challenging, especially as you get older. In a study, researchers examined how aging affects the ability to switch between tasks with different rules. They found that older adults faced more difficulties when the context changed from performing just one task to performing […]
Published on April 20, 2023
Imagine a trio of interconnected systems: the vestibular system, visual-spatial cognitive ability, and the enigmatic Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Recent research has revealed that patients with AD often experience issues with their vestibular function, which in turn impacts their visual-spatial cognitive abilities. By diving deeper into this intricate relationship, scientists hope to uncover valuable insights that […]
Published on April 20, 2023
Imagine having a super-powered pair of glasses that can spot myopic macular lesions with incredible accuracy! That’s exactly what scientists have developed using an innovative five-category model. They trained three different models, named VOLO, EfficientNetV2, and ResNet50, to detect myopic maculopathy by analyzing thousands of fundus images. The results were impressive! The VOLO-D2 model accurately […]
Published on April 20, 2023