Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Our Brains are Energy Picky Eaters!

Just like our bodies have limits to the amount of food we can consume, our brains also have limitations on how much information they can process. The problem is that our brains use up a lot of energy to process information, so there’s only so much it can handle at a time. Imagine trying to […]

Published on April 23, 2023

A New Approach for Non-Gaussianity with Hermite Functions

In the world of neural data analysis, measures of non-Gaussianity serve two important purposes: testing for normality and extracting non-Gaussian signals. Existing methods have their pros and cons, but we’re here to introduce a fresh strategy that directly approximates distribution shapes using Hermite functions. This new approach demonstrates its power as a normality test by […]

Published on April 21, 2023