Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Parsing Statistical Learning Theories: Chunking vs. Transitional Probabilities

Imagine you’re building a puzzle. One approach is to focus on individual puzzle pieces and their relationships, while another approach is to identify larger, cohesive sections. These two approaches also exist in the field of statistical learning, which explores how we extract patterns from sequences. The transitional probability approach emphasizes the computation of probabilities between […]

Published on May 15, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Distributional Semantic Models!

Imagine you have a bunch of words and you want to understand how they relate to each other. Well, that’s exactly what scientists do with distributional semantic models (DSMs)! These models use fancy math to analyze big collections of text and figure out the hidden meanings behind words. But there’s still something scientists want to […]

Published on May 15, 2023

A theory of autism bringing across levels of description

Just like a jigsaw puzzle, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex condition that encompasses various aspects. The condition affects a wide range of functions, including social interactions, communication skills, motor behaviors, and sensory processing. Researchers have identified numerous genetic and environmental factors associated with ASD, making it a multifaceted disorder with no definitive cause. […]

Published on May 14, 2023