Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Unlocking the Emotional and Social Superpowers of Adolescence

Just like a budding superhero, adolescence is a time when emotions and social connections become supercharged. Aristotle recognized this power centuries ago, describing youths as passionate and impulsive, devoted to their friends. Today, we understand that adolescence, the period between 10 and 24 years, is a time of heightened emotional and social sensitivity, fueled by […]

Published on May 16, 2023

Exploring the Power of Self-Administered Pain Relief

Imagine you’re given a remote control that can turn down your pain. Strube et al. delve into the reasons why self-administered analgesic treatment is more effective than being treated by someone else. They find that the key lies in how our brain forms expectations. When we have agency over our pain relief, our brain shifts […]

Published on May 16, 2023

Oxidative stress in Wernicke’s encephalopathy

Wernicke’s encephalopathy is like a delicate machine that malfunctions when it lacks an essential component, vitamin B1. This severe disease causes chaos in the brain, resulting in mental disorders and physical impairments. Recent research suggests that oxidative stress, like the wear and tear on a machine, plays a pivotal role in damaging organs and exacerbating […]

Published on May 16, 2023