Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Editorial: Systemic implications of Alzheimer’s disease

Just like a single pebble can create rippling waves across a calm lake, Alzheimer’s disease sets off a chain reaction that impacts the entire body. This complex condition doesn’t just affect memory and cognition, but also triggers a cascade of systemic implications. Much like the interconnected roots in an underground network of trees, Alzheimer’s reaches […]

Published on May 23, 2023

Comparing Information-Theoretical Metrics in Brain Research

Just like a detective deciphering clues, information theory allows us to unravel the mysteries of the brain’s information processing. It’s like having a versatile tool that can make sense of complex brain data, regardless of its structure. By using information-theoretical metrics, such as Entropy and Mutual Information, we can gain valuable insights into neurophysiological recordings. […]

Published on May 23, 2023

Uncovering the Mystery of Brain Iron in Chinese Patients with Alzheimer’s

Imagine your brain as a vast, intricate machine. Now picture tiny iron particles sprinkled throughout this intricate machinery. In a groundbreaking study, scientists in China have been investigating the levels of these iron particles in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. By using advanced imaging techniques, they discovered that certain regions of the brain […]

Published on May 22, 2023