Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Infant action and cognition: what’s at stake?

It’s like two groups of researchers are in a lively debate about the true nature of infant cognition. One group argues that the development of motor cortex limits our understanding, while the other group questions whether core knowledge is consistent from infancy to adulthood. They both provide valid points that need further clarification. One aspect […]

Published on June 14, 2023

Exploring the Shared Pathways of Calcification in Different Tissues

Imagine you have a group of friends who all have different hobbies – let’s say one loves painting, another enjoys playing guitar, and another is into gardening. Now, each of them decides to tackle a new project, but instead of working on their own hobbies, they all start building birdhouses together. That’s what this study […]

Published on June 14, 2023

Innovative tool predicts stroke risk in middle-aged and elderly population

Imagine if you had a crystal ball that could foresee your health future. Well, scientists have come pretty close to that with the development of a predictive risk stratification tool for identifying the population at risk for new-onset stroke within 7 years. Just like weather forecasting helps us prepare for potential storms, this tool uses […]

Published on June 14, 2023