Imagine you have a magical calculator that can perform arithmetic-like operations without symbols or numbers. That’s similar to what young children with limited knowledge of formal mathematics are capable of! But how exactly do these nonsymbolic arithmetic operations work? A group of researchers conducted experiments with children to investigate if there are function-like rules guiding […]
Published on June 12, 2023
Imagine you’re studying animals and you notice a pattern – bigger animals tend to have longer names. Curious, you decide to dig deeper and explore if this pattern holds true in different groups of animals. That’s exactly what the scientists did in a recent study, but instead of animals, they focused on words in different […]
Published on June 12, 2023
Imagine a BBQ where everyone brings different types of food: burgers, hotdogs, salads, and desserts. Each dish is delicious on its own, but when they all come together, it creates a feast of flavors! In the ’90s, language researchers and learning theorists were like separate dishes at a potluck, not really mixing together. This has […]
Published on June 12, 2023