Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

HSF: A New Way to Understand the Lifespan Dynamics of Hippocampal Subfields

Imagine the hippocampal subfields as different neighborhoods in your brain. These neighborhoods play a crucial role in forming and recalling memories. But studying them is like trying to find hidden treasures in a crowded city. The small size of these subfields and the lack of a standardized method for studying them make it challenging to […]

Published on June 15, 2023

Multiple pathways to developmental continuity in infant cognition

In their provocative opinion piece, Blumberg and Adolph (B&A) [1] argue that inferences regarding cognitive development in infancy that are based on young infants’ motor behaviors are misleading. They assert that the motor behaviors, including eye movements and looking-time measures traditionally used to characterize cognition between birth and 4 months, are mediated by subcortical mechanisms […]

Published on June 14, 2023

Infant gaze reveals insights on cognitive development

In a fascinating study, researchers explore the connection between infant gaze and abstract cognitive functions. They argue that while adults rely on developed cortical circuits for such functions, the developing cortex of young infants may not be mature enough. Instead, the study suggests that subcortical regions are responsible for driving observed gaze behavior in infants. […]

Published on June 14, 2023