Picture this: our brains are like muscles, they need the right amount of exercise to stay sharp. Just like how too much or too little exercise can cause harm, the same goes for our cognitive function as we age. A recent study explored the relationship between physical exercise and brain performance in elderly individuals who […]
Published on June 22, 2023
Imagine a vast and mysterious treasure map, offering clues to unlock the secrets of neurodegenerative disorders. Scientists are armed with powerful tools called multi-omics approaches, enabling them to navigate this complex landscape. By studying multiple layers of biological information – from genes to proteins to metabolites – researchers hope to discover new therapeutic targets, biomarkers, […]
Published on June 22, 2023
Imagine you’re standing in front of a mirror and you make a funny face. But wait, is that your reflection or just a trick of the mind? Dijkstra and Fleming set out to solve this mystery in their recent study. They discovered something fascinating: when our mental imagery becomes so vivid that it reaches a […]
Published on June 21, 2023