Imagine your brain is like a car engine, constantly running and keeping you on the move. But what if certain things in your life prevent your engine from firing on all cylinders? According to a recent study, it seems that digital exclusion, specifically the absence of mobile payments and WeChat use, may hinder cognitive function […]
Published on July 3, 2023
Imagine your brain as a vast galaxy, with billions of stars that form intricate constellations. Just as astronomers study the patterns and dynamics of celestial bodies, scientists are now diving into the mysteries of brain network physiology. They’re exploring how different regions of the brain communicate and integrate information, from the intricate dance of temporal […]
Published on July 3, 2023
Imagine you had to solve math problems, but you couldn’t use a calculator or write anything down. That would be pretty challenging, right? Well, that’s what neural networks sometimes have to do when recognizing images. They need an offline step to process the data before making a decision. But now, scientists have developed a way […]
Published on July 3, 2023