Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

D-serine’s Impact on Alzheimer’s Disease Revealed in Mouse Study

Imagine the brain as a complex road system, with different regions representing different neighborhoods. In this study, scientists investigated the role of D-serine, a molecule that acts like a co-pilot, in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Just like a helpful co-pilot can guide you through rough roads, D-serine plays a role in excitotoxicity, a process linked to […]

Published on June 29, 2023

Unlocking the Metabolic Mysteries of Alzheimer’s Disease!

Imagine the brain as a complex machine with many moving parts. Just like a well-oiled machine, it requires the right fuel and proper maintenance to function optimally. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), there seems to be a glitch in the system. A team of researchers utilized high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to delve into […]

Published on June 29, 2023

Unraveling the Brain’s Electric Symphony in Multiple Sclerosis

Imagine the brain as a symphony orchestra. Each neuron plays its own instrument, creating a complex network of signals. To understand how multiple sclerosis (MS) affects this symphony, scientists have turned to a nonlinear dynamics approach. By analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) signatures, they can uncover hidden patterns and chaotic measures within the brain’s activity. In a […]

Published on June 29, 2023