Imagine your brain as a complex GPS, guiding your wrist movement in different coordinate systems. This study used brain imaging and connectivity analysis to compare how the brain processes intrinsic and extrinsic motor coordinates during wrist movements. Researchers found that the brain utilizes distinct networks for each coordinate system. The inferior parietal lobule receives extrinsic […]
Published on July 10, 2023
Imagine you’re a detective trying to solve a mystery. You have two different tools – one is straightforward and direct, while the other is more subtle and indirect. In this study, researchers wanted to see which tool children prefer to use when understanding complex sentences. They found that the type of task used had a […]
Published on July 7, 2023
Imagine you’re trying to build a complex structure with Legos. You could use the standard basic blocks, but they might not be enough to bring your creation to life. That’s where the power of Combinatory Categorial Grammars (CCGs) comes in for modeling language comprehension in our brains. Just like how CCGs offer more flexibility and […]
Published on July 7, 2023