Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Online spike-based recognition of digits with ultrafast microlaser neurons

Imagine you had to solve math problems, but you couldn’t use a calculator or write anything down. That would be pretty challenging, right? Well, that’s what neural networks sometimes have to do when recognizing images. They need an offline step to process the data before making a decision. But now, scientists have developed a way […]

Published on July 3, 2023

The Power of Meta-Analysis in Evaluating Infant Language Models

Imagine you have a group of talented chefs, each coming up with their own recipes for a delicious dish. Some claim their recipes are the best, but how can you know for sure? Well, what if you could gather data from thousands of people who have tasted each chef’s dish and analyze it all together? […]

Published on July 3, 2023

Unlocking the Enigma of Color Appearance

Just like a burst of confetti, our perception of color is an exhilarating display of wonder. The captivating names given to the colors of the year add an intriguing twist to this phenomenon. While we can measure color using numerical codes that represent the activity of our cones, this trichromatic system fails to capture the […]

Published on July 1, 2023