Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Creating a Robust Model for Epileptic Seizure Detection

Just like a complex puzzle, epilepsy involves abnormal neuronal discharges that can seriously impact physical health. With the diverse types of epileptic seizures, data variation between patients is a challenge for training models. But fear not, we have developed a robust model that learns effectively from multiple patients without being affected by shifts in data […]

Published on July 19, 2023

Glycemic variability correlates with medial temporal lobe atrophy and decreased cognitive performance in patients with memory deficits

BackgroundIn the past, researchers have observed a significant link between glycemia and dementia. Medial temporal atrophy (MTA) is regarded as a common marker of dementia. The correlation between glycemic variability and MTA is unclear, and it has not been determined whether glycemic variability can be utilized as a biomarker of MTA and cognitive performance.MethodsThe patients […]

Published on July 18, 2023

Infant Phonetic Learning as Perceptual Space Learning: A Crosslinguistic Evaluation of Computational Models

Abstract In the first year of life, infants’ speech perception becomes attuned to the sounds of their native language. This process of early phonetic learning has traditionally been framed as phonetic category acquisition. However, recent studies have hypothesized that the attunement may instead reflect a perceptual space learning process that does not involve categories. In […]

Published on July 18, 2023