Imagine you have a simulator that mimics the growth, migration, and pruning of the brain. That’s exactly what NeuroDevSim does! It’s like having your own little brain laboratory, where you can watch as neurons extend, branch, and terminate their growth. You can even witness somatic fronts migrating to new positions and parts of neurons being […]
Published on July 20, 2023
BackgroundHearing loss and dementia are highly prevalent in older age and often co-occur. Most neurocognitive screening tests are auditory-based, and performance can be affected by hearing loss. To address the need for a cognitive screening test suitable for people with hearing loss, a visual version of the Montreal-Cognitive-Assessment was developed and recently validated in English […]
Published on July 19, 2023
Imagine you’re trying to understand how high blood pressure affects different parts of the body, like the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Well, scientists have developed various models to study this. But now they’re also interested in how hypertension affects the brain and cognition. That’s why they’re investigating different genetic, pharmacological, and surgical models that […]
Published on July 19, 2023