Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Unlocking Multiple Pathways to Boost Memory for Emotional Events

Just like a delicious cocktail can be made with multiple ingredients, our memory for emotionally relevant events can be enhanced by different mechanisms. One well-known route is through the affective response, where the emotional outcome triggers changes in brain chemistry that strengthen memories. However, recent research has uncovered another interesting pathway called the ‘prediction’ mechanism. […]

Published on July 20, 2023

Eye movements as a cognitive decline window

Imagine if we could understand the inner workings of a complex machine just by watching its gears and levers move. Well, scientists have discovered that our eyes can provide a similar revealing insight into the cognitive processes of the brain. In a recent study, researchers explored different visual tasks to distinguish between individuals with mild […]

Published on July 20, 2023

Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Reveals Hippocampus Softening and Increased Astrogliosis

Imagine a beautiful old library that starts to fall apart. The shelves sag, the books lose their spines, and the librarian’s desk becomes wobbly. Similarly, in Alzheimer’s disease, the brain undergoes changes: regions like the hippocampus become softer and show increased astrogliosis – a response of astrocytes to injury or disease. Recent research used high-resolution […]

Published on July 20, 2023