Imagine you’re a detective trying to predict who will commit a crime. You gather clues like age, education level, and family income. Using these clues, you create a special tool called a nomogram that helps you calculate the probability of someone being a criminal. In a similar way, scientists have developed and validated a new […]
Published on August 7, 2023
IntroductionElectroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities are seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with characteristic features of cognitive impairment. The most common findings of EEG features in AD and MCI patients are increased relative power of slow oscillations (delta and theta rhythms) and decreased relative power of fast oscillations (alpha, beta and […]
Published on August 4, 2023
Imagine you’re at a party where everyone shares interesting stories and juicy gossip. However, there’s a DJ controlling the playlist. They instinctively know your preferences and play the songs that amplify your excitement, making you tap your feet and sing along. This is similar to algorithm-mediated social learning on online platforms like Twitter and TikTok. […]
Published on August 4, 2023