Imagine you’re a mechanic and you have to tweak different car parts to make them work perfectly together. That’s exactly what scientists are doing with the new pipeline called versaFlow! It’s like a versatile toolbox that helps researchers process and analyze Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) data from Non-Human Primates (NHP) in a more effective way. […]
Published on August 10, 2023
Just like the timing of dance moves can make or break a performance, the timing of lifespan influences is crucial in shaping our brain and cognition. Neuroimaging studies have shed light on various factors that can boost brain development and prevent cognitive decline, but we need to approach this with sobriety. It turns out that […]
Published on August 9, 2023
Imagine your brain is a bustling city, with different functions and processes happening simultaneously. Now, picture sleep as the quiet period when everything slows down and the city recharges. In a recent study, scientists investigated the relationship between sleep disorders, age, and cognitive decline in older adults. They found that sleep disturbances, such as decreased […]
Published on August 9, 2023