Imagine having a conversation where you and your friend are describing things to each other. As the conversation progresses, you start using more specific and refined words to refer to those things. This phenomenon, called referential coordination, has been studied in previous research, which indicated that interactive repair mechanisms in dialogue contribute to this convergence […]
Published on August 22, 2023
Imagine you’re playing a game of Jenga. Each block represents a different aspect of sleep, and the whole tower represents age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In this study, researchers wanted to see if removing certain blocks (or sleep traits) from the tower would have any effect on AMD. Using Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis, they examined the […]
Published on August 21, 2023
Like a tree needs a forest, humans need social connections to thrive. A recent meta-analysis of 90 studies, involving over two million adults, reveals the shocking impact of social isolation and loneliness on mortality rates. The findings show that individuals who lack meaningful social interactions face a significantly higher risk of dying from any cause. […]
Published on August 19, 2023