Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Emotion representations in context: maturation and convergence pathways

How does the human brain develop stable emotion representations? According to recent work by Camacho et al., neural representations of contextualized emotional cues are distinct and fairly stable by mid-to-late childhood and activation patterns become increasingly similar between individuals during adolescence. Here, I propose a framework for investigating contextualized emotion processing. Read Full Article (External […]

Published on August 18, 2023

Boosting Brain Power in Alzheimer’s: The Impact of Cognitive Stimulation

Just like exercising makes your muscles stronger, stimulating the brain can improve cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers investigated the effectiveness of cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) for patients with AD, and they found promising results. After participating in the CST program, patients showed significant improvements in their cognitive abilities and behaviors. These improvements were linked […]

Published on August 17, 2023

Unraveling the Complexity of Alzheimer’s: A Guide to Precise Diagnosis and Treatment

Like a tricky puzzle, Alzheimer’s disease presents itself in various forms and can be difficult to differentiate from other brain pathologies. In fact, it’s rare to see Alzheimer’s existing in isolation, as it often coexists with other primary brain diseases. The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s requires accurate biomarkers to unravel its complexities. Treatment response depends on […]

Published on August 17, 2023