Imagine you have a trusty enzyme in your body called ALDH2 that helps break down alcohol and other harmful substances. But what if this enzyme had a small mutation? Well, in East Asians, about 8% of the population has a common ALDH2 mutation called ALDH2*2. And guess what? This mutation has been linked to a […]
Published on August 24, 2023
Imagine being able to detect Alzheimer’s disease just by listening to someone speak. Researchers have reviewed the potential of using spontaneous speech as a non-invasive and cost-effective method for detecting this debilitating condition. In Alzheimer’s patients, language skills deteriorate, making speech an insightful tool for diagnosis. This review paper dives into the technologies used for […]
Published on August 24, 2023
Just like a storm brewing in the sky, the combination of altered sleep and neurovascular dysfunction may lead to a perfect storm in the brain. Scientists have observed that patients with alpha-synucleinopathies, such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, experience highly variable clinical and cognitive progression. However, the factors linking sleep disturbances and […]
Published on August 24, 2023