Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

ALDH2 Mutation and Alcohol Impact on Alzheimer’s Disease

Imagine you have a trusty enzyme in your body called ALDH2 that helps break down alcohol and other harmful substances. But what if this enzyme had a small mutation? Well, in East Asians, about 8% of the population has a common ALDH2 mutation called ALDH2*2. And guess what? This mutation has been linked to a […]

Published on August 24, 2023

Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease Through Speech: A Fascinating Review

Imagine being able to detect Alzheimer’s disease just by listening to someone speak. Researchers have reviewed the potential of using spontaneous speech as a non-invasive and cost-effective method for detecting this debilitating condition. In Alzheimer’s patients, language skills deteriorate, making speech an insightful tool for diagnosis. This review paper dives into the technologies used for […]

Published on August 24, 2023

The Storm in the Brain: Sleep, Blood Pressure, and Protein Waste Removal

Just like a storm brewing in the sky, the combination of altered sleep and neurovascular dysfunction may lead to a perfect storm in the brain. Scientists have observed that patients with alpha-synucleinopathies, such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, experience highly variable clinical and cognitive progression. However, the factors linking sleep disturbances and […]

Published on August 24, 2023