Just as our bodies age, so does our brain. Understanding how the brain changes as we get older is crucial, especially with the increasing number of older adults and age-related brain diseases. This fascinating study investigates the impact of ageing on the processing of speech and singing production in the brain. Using state-of-the-art brain imaging […]
Published on September 4, 2023
Just like a heavy load weighing down a backpacker and making it difficult to navigate through dense forests, obesity can have a detrimental effect on the brain of older African Americans with the APOE-ε4 Alzheimer’s disease risk allele. This study explored the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and cognitive function in this population group. […]
Published on September 4, 2023
The action observation network (AON) has traditionally been thought to be dedicated to recognizing animate actions. A recent study by Karakose-Akbiyik et al. invites rethinking this assumption by demonstrating that the AON contains a shared neural code for general events, regardless of whether those events involve animate or inanimate entities. Read Full Article (External Site) […]
Published on September 3, 2023