Imagine a storm brewing on the horizon. First, there is a moment of calm and stillness, right before the winds pick up and the dark clouds take over. In a similar vein, researchers have discovered a fascinating brain state called pre-burst suppression (preBSup) that occurs just before the onset of burst suppression (BSup) – a […]
Published on August 30, 2023
Imagine point clouds as a collection of stars in the night sky, each point representing a star. Just as astronomers study constellations to understand the universe, researchers analyze point clouds for a variety of applications. To make sense of these dense data sets, scientists have developed a revolutionary network called the improved fused feature residual […]
Published on August 30, 2023
Imagine you’re planning a road trip and you have a list of destinations you want to visit. You know that each destination can be reached by different means of transportation, like a car, train, or plane. In this study, scientists explore how humans solve similar problems when faced with multiple goals and means. They investigate […]
Published on August 29, 2023