Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

A collective neuroscience lens on intergroup conflict

Have you ever wondered how team leaders and followers work together to resolve intergroup conflicts? Well, researchers Zhang and colleagues have taken a collective neuroscience approach to unravel the complexities of this phenomenon. They discovered that when it comes to managing conflict between different groups, leaders who prioritize the group’s interests and synchronize their actions […]

Published on September 10, 2023

Selective Attention and Memory: The Unforgettable Duo!

Imagine attention as a bouncer guarding the entrance to your brain’s VIP section known as working memory. But hold on! Recent research has unveiled attribute amnesia, where the bouncer allows information to pass through the gates only to forget it moments later. This astonishing phenomenon suggests that attention doesn’t always ensure information reaches working memory. […]

Published on September 8, 2023

Can Music Training Help Preserve Motor Inhibition as We Age?

Imagine your brain is a music symphony, playing beautiful melodies of movement. As we age, the conductor of this symphony, called motor inhibition, starts to lose its rhythm. But there’s hope! Recent research suggests that musicians, both young and old, may be able to keep the conductor in sync for longer. A study compared the […]

Published on September 8, 2023