Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Words as Items: A Computational Model of Semantic Classification

Imagine you’re trying to classify objects as either small or big. You want to know if there’s a way to use distributional semantic models, which create word vector spaces, to accurately perform this task. Well, scientists developed a cool computational model to find out! They created different models and tested their performance in classifying over […]

Published on September 11, 2023

Dynamic reading in a digital age: new insights on cognition

People increasingly read text displayed on digital devices, including computers, handheld e-readers, and smartphones. Given this, there is rapidly growing interest in understanding how the cognitive processes that support the reading of static text (e.g., books, magazines, or newspapers) might be adapted to reading digital texts. Evidence from recent experiments suggests a complex interplay of […]

Published on September 10, 2023

A goal-centric outlook on learning

In the realm of learning and decision-making, goals are like the guiding stars that shape our paths. Just as a compass points the way in uncharted territory, setting a goal influences how we perceive information, choose actions, and interpret outcomes. Computational theories often overlook the significant role of goals, but empirical evidence reveals their profound […]

Published on September 10, 2023