Imagine trying to solve a puzzle where the pieces are constantly changing shape and interacting with each other. That’s what researchers in cognitive neuroscience are facing when it comes to understanding antisocial behavior (ASB). They argue that studying the brain in isolation from its environment is like trying to solve a puzzle by looking at […]
Published on September 16, 2023
Imagine reading a sentence and trying to figure out who the main character is. Most languages tend to assume that the person performing the action, the ‘agent’, comes first. However, a new study in Äiwoo, a language that prioritizes patients before agents, challenges this assumption. Using electroencephalography (EEG), researchers found that when nonhuman nouns were […]
Published on September 16, 2023
Encouraging people to get vaccinated is like enticing them to eat their vegetables by offering a little extra cash! A review of the scientific literature reveals that financial incentives are typically effective in increasing vaccination rates, especially among those who were already willing to get vaccinated. It’s like giving an extra cookie for finishing your […]
Published on September 15, 2023