Group music making, like a harmonious symphony of collaboration, offers an intriguing window into the complexities of human social interaction. In their groundbreaking study, Demos and Palmer (D+P) suggest that our current approach to studying musical group synchrony limits our understanding of the overall dynamics. They propose a bold shift from examining individual relationships within […]
Published on September 21, 2023
When it comes to syncing up with others in time, it turns out that our ability to do so extends beyond simple coordination. Musical synchrony, which involves aligning our actions with others in a harmonious way, reveals fascinating insights about the dynamics of social interaction. In a recent study, researchers explored the perceptual and attentional […]
Published on September 21, 2023
Imagine a world where teenagers were only allowed to play one level of their favorite video game. Without experiencing the challenges and rewards of multiple levels, their risk-taking behavior might be limited. Recent research suggests that the environment plays a crucial role in shaping how adolescents perceive and engage in risky activities. Environmental statistics, like […]
Published on September 21, 2023