Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

The ebb and flow of cognitive fatigue

Fatigue is like the ebb and flow of ocean waves, with moments of high energy crashing onto the shore followed by calm periods of rest. In a recent study, researchers dove into the depths of cognitive fatigue, exploring its fluctuating nature through experiments and modeling. By understanding how fatigue rises and recedes, we gain a […]

Published on October 15, 2023

Unlocking the brain secrets of social media through neuroscience

Neuroscientific buzzwords, such as ‘brain hacks’, have become commonplace when discussing social media (SM)-platform engineering. Despite societal debates, few studies have used neuroscientific approaches to validate the claims empirically. We call here for a transformative shift engaging scientists and other stakeholders to address this critical knowledge gap. Read Full Article (External Site) Dr. David LowemannDr. […]

Published on October 14, 2023

Prognostic estimation for acute ischemic stroke patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy within an extended therapeutic window using an interpretable machine learning model

BackgroundMechanical thrombectomy (MT) is effective for acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion (AIS-LVO) within an extended therapeutic window. However, successful reperfusion does not guarantee positive prognosis, with around 40–50% of cases yielding favorable outcomes. Preoperative prediction of patient outcomes is essential to identify those who may benefit from MT. Although machine learning (ML) has […]

Published on October 13, 2023