Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Examining the Effects of Menopause Hormone Therapy on Alzheimer’s Risk

Imagine your brain is a bustling metropolis, filled with busy roads and thriving businesses. Now, picture a superhero named Estrogen swooping in to save the day. Estrogen, like menopause hormone therapy (HT), has been studied for its potential to protect against Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia. In this research, a systematic review and meta-analysis examined […]

Published on October 23, 2023

Language Influence on Visual Processing of Numbers

Imagine you’re at a bakery, and the baker gives you a tray of freshly baked cookies. You have to count the number of cookies, but instead of using your eyes to visually identify each cookie and then say the number out loud, you do it the other way around. You first say the number aloud, […]

Published on October 21, 2023