Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

When Native Speakers Are Not “Native‐Like:” Chunking Ability Predicts (Lack of) Sensitivity to Gender Agreement During Online Processing

Abstract Previous work on individual differences has revealed limitations in the ability of existing measures (e.g., working memory) to predict language processing. Recent evidence suggests that an individual’s sensitivity to detect the statistical regularities present in language (i.e., “chunk sensitivity”) may significantly modulate online sentence processing. We investigated whether individual chunk sensitivity predicted the online […]

Published on October 24, 2023

Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Crowd Sound Dynamics

Just like a symphony orchestra where different instruments come together to create harmonious melodies, when people gather in a crowd, they also produce a complex symphony of sounds. A recent study aimed to understand the behavioral dynamics of crowds attending basketball games by analyzing the acoustic signals they generate. By using a method called recurrence […]

Published on October 24, 2023

Bayesian Surprise: Predicting Event Segmentation in Story Listening

Imagine listening to a captivating story. As you follow along, your brain naturally divides the story into different events or scenes. So, how does your brain determine when one event ends and another begins? Scientists conducted an experiment using a deep learning language model called GPT-2 to investigate this phenomenon. They found that event boundaries […]

Published on October 24, 2023