Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Holistic Reinforcement Learning: The Role of Structure and Attention

Compact representations of the environment allow humans to behave efficiently in a complex world. Reinforcement learning models capture many behavioral and neural effects but do not explain recent findings showing that structure in the environment influences learning. In parallel, Bayesian cognitive models predict how humans learn structured knowledge but do not have a clear neurobiological […]

Published on February 27, 2019

The Prefrontal Cortex and Obesity: A Health Neuroscience Perspective

In the modern obesogenic environment, limiting calorie-dense food consumption is partially dependent on the capacity of individuals to override visceral reactions to hyperpalatable and rewarding food cues. In the current review, we employ a health neuroscience framework to outline: (i) how individual variations in prefrontal cortical structure and functionality, and by extension, executive functions, may […]

Published on February 27, 2019

High Action Values Occur Near Our Body

In a recent Opinion article Bufacchi and Iannetti (2018) [1] claim that peripersonal space (PPS) – the space immediately adjacent to one’s body – is widely considered to be ‘a single entity, with binary in-or-out boundary, and mostly dependent on stimulus proximity to the body’. In counterpoint, the authors argue that PPS should not be […]

Published on February 27, 2019