Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Coding Capacity of Purkinje Cells With Different Schemes of Morphological Reduction

The brain as a neuronal system has very complex structure with large diversity of neuronal types. The most basic complexity is seen from the structure of neuronal morphology, which usually has a complex tree-like structure with dendritic spines distributed in branches. For simulating a large-scale network with spiking neurons, the simple point neuron, such as […]

Published on May 16, 2019

Dynamic Neural Representations: An Inferential Challenge for fMRI

Measures of brain activity with high temporal resolution have shown that the information represented in a single brain region undergoes dynamic changes on the scale of milliseconds. This dynamic process presents a unique inferential challenge to low temporal resolution neural measures, such as BOLD fMRI. Potential solutions for fMRI requiring further investigation and development are […]

Published on May 16, 2019

Deep Learning Deformation Initialization for Rapid Groupwise Registration of Inhomogeneous Image Populations

Groupwise image registration tackles biases that can potentially arise from inappropriate template selection. It typically involves simultaneous registration of a cohort of images to a common space that is not specified a priori. Existing groupwise registration methods are computationally complex and are only effective for image populations without large anatomical variations. In this paper, we […]

Published on May 15, 2019