As a consequence of worldwide improvement in health care, the aging portion of the human population has increased, now representing a higher proportion of the total population. This fact raises great concern regarding how to age while maintaining good brain function. Very often, alterations in brain electrophysiological signaling are associated with age-dependent functional disorders of […]
Published on June 8, 2019
In this piece, we honor the work of Albert Costa. His work focused on how bilinguals manage two languages, the brain mechanisms involved, and the ways in which language and emotion are related. We end by discussing ways in which his work will frame research in the field going forward. Read Full Article (External Site) […]
Published on June 8, 2019
The neurons of the olivocerebellar circuit exhibit complex electroresponsive dynamics, which are thought to play a fundamental role for network entraining, plasticity induction, signal processing and noise filtering. In order to reproduce these properties in single-point neuron models, we have optimized the Extended-Generalized Leaky Integrate and Fire (E-GLIF) neuron through a multi-objective gradient-based algorithm targeting […]
Published on June 7, 2019