Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Taking Advantage of the Selectivity of Histone Deacetylases and Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors to Design Better Therapeutic Strategies to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

The discouraging results with therapies for Alzheimer´s disease (AD) in clinical trials, highlights the urgent need to adopt new approaches. Like other complex diseases, it is becoming clear that AD therapies should focus on the simultaneous modulation of several targets implicated in the disease. Recently, using reference compounds and the first-in class CM-414, we demonstrated […]

Published on June 22, 2019

Multimodal Language Processing in Human Communication

The natural ecology of human language is face-to-face interaction comprising the exchange of a plethora of multimodal signals. Trying to understand the psycholinguistic processing of language in its natural niche raises new issues, first and foremost the binding of multiple, temporally offset signals under tight time constraints posed by a turn-taking system. This might be […]

Published on June 22, 2019

Changes in Centrality Frequency of the Default Mode Network in Individuals With Subjective Cognitive Decline

Despite subjective cognitive decline (SCD), a preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), being widely studied in recent years, studies on centrality frequency in individuals with SCD are lacking. This study aimed to investigate the differences in centrality frequency between individuals with SCD and normal controls (NCs). Forty individuals with SCD and fifty-three well-matched NCs underwent […]

Published on June 21, 2019