Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Detection of EEG K-Complexes Using Fractal Dimension of Time Frequency Images Technique Coupled With Undirected Graph Features

K-complexes identification is a challenging task in sleep research. The detection of k-complexes in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals based on visual inspection is time-consuming, prone to errors, and requires well-trained knowledge. Many existing methods for k-complexes detection rely mainly on analysing EEG signals in time and frequency domains. In this study, an efficient method is proposed […]

Published on June 29, 2019

A Temporal Signal-Processing Circuit Based on Spiking Neuron and Synaptic Learning

Time is a continuous, homogeneous, one-way and independent signal that cannot be modified by human will. Nearly 2,500 ago, Aristotle contended that, “time is the most unknown of all unknown things.” However, both humans and other animals have the ability to perceive time, and it is extremely easy to reproduce the time interval between two […]

Published on June 29, 2019

Executive Functioning, Muscle Power and Reactive Balance Are Major Contributors to Gait Adaptability in People With Parkinson’s Disease

BACKGROUND AND AIM: The ability to adapt gait when negotiating unexpected hazards is crucial to maintain stability and avoid falling. This study investigated cognitive, physical and psychological factors associated with gait adaptability required for obstacle and stepping target negotiation in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). METHODS: Fifty-four people with PD were instructed to either (a) […]

Published on June 28, 2019