Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Post-hoc Labeling of Arbitrary M/EEG Recordings for Data-Efficient Evaluation of Neural Decoding Methods

Many cognitive, sensory and motor processes have correlates in oscillatory neural source activity, which is embedded as a subspace in the recorded brain signals. Decoding such processes from noisy magnetoencephalogram/electroencephalogram (M/EEG) signals usually requires data-driven analysis methods. The objective evaluation of such decoding algorithms on experimental raw signals, however, is a challenge: the amount of […]

Published on August 3, 2019

A Closed-Loop Toolchain for Neural Network Simulations of Learning Autonomous Agents

Neural network simulation is an important tool for generating and evaluating hypotheses on the structure, dynamics and function of neural circuits. For scientific questions addressing organisms operating autonomously in their environments, in particular where learning is involved, it is crucial to be able to operate such simulations in a closed-loop fashion. In such a set-up, […]

Published on August 2, 2019

HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Impairment in the Modern ART Era: Are We Close to Discovering Reliable Biomarkers in the Setting of Virological Suppression?

The prevalence of the most severe forms of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is decreasing due to worldwide availability and high efficacy of antiretroviral treatment (ART). However, several grades of HIV-related cognitive impairment persist with effective ART and remain a clinical concern for people with HIV. The pathogenesis of these cognitive impairments has yet to be fully […]

Published on August 2, 2019