Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Revisiting the MotionWatch8©: Calibrating Cut-Points for Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Among Adults With Stroke

Poor sleep quality, low physical activity (PA), and high sedentary behaviour (SB) are common following stroke, which can limit stroke recovery and contribute to greater cognitive decline post-stroke. There is also increasing evidence that sleep quality, PA, and SB are dynamically related to each other and to cognitive health. Hence, the sleep quality, PA, and […]

Published on August 6, 2019

Gricean Expectations in Online Sentence Comprehension: An ERP Study on the Processing of Scalar Inferences

Abstract There is substantial support for the general idea that a formalization of comprehenders’ expectations about the likely next word in a sentence helps explaining data related to online sentence processing. While much research has focused on syntactic, semantic, and discourse expectations, the present event‐related potentials (ERPs) study investigates neurolinguistic correlates of pragmatic expectations, which […]

Published on August 6, 2019

The Impact of Stimuli Color in Lexical Decision and Semantic Word Categorization Tasks

Abstract In two experiments, we examined the impact of color on cognitive performance by asking participants to categorize stimuli presented in three different colors: red, green, and gray (baseline). Participants were either asked to categorize the meaning of words as related to the concepts of “go” or “stop” (Experiment 1) or to indicate if a […]

Published on August 6, 2019