Do children learn number words by associating them with perceptual magnitudes? Recent studies argue that approximate numerical magnitudes play a foundational role in the development of integer concepts. Against this, we argue that approximate number representations fail both empirically and in principle to provide the content required of integer concepts. Instead, we suggest that children’s […]
Published on August 20, 2019
Our knowledge about the state of the world is often incomplete, making it difficult to select the best course of action. One strategy that can be used to improve our ability to make decisions is to identify the causes of our ignorance (i.e., why an unexpected event might have occurred) and use estimates of the […]
Published on August 18, 2019
Background: With increasing aging populations worldwide, developing interventions against age-associated cognitive decline is particularly important. Evidence suggests that combination of brain stimulation with cognitive training intervention may enhance training effects in terms of performance gain or transfer to untrained domains. This protocol describes a Phase IIb clinical trial that investigates the intervention effects of training […]
Published on August 17, 2019