Background: With increasing aging populations worldwide, developing interventions against age-associated cognitive decline is particularly important. Evidence suggests that combination of brain stimulation with cognitive training intervention may enhance training effects in terms of performance gain or transfer to untrained domains. This protocol describes a Phase IIb clinical trial that investigates the intervention effects of training […]
Published on August 17, 2019
BACKGROUND: Cognitive decline is a significant public health concern in older adults. Identifying new ways to maintain cognitive and brain health throughout the lifespan is of utmost importance. Simultaneous exercise and cognitive engagement has been shown to enhance brain function in animal and human studies. Virtual reality (VR) may be a promising approach for conducting […]
Published on August 17, 2019
Emotions are often assumed to manifest in subcortical limbic and brainstem structures. While these areas are clearly important for representing affect (e.g., valence and arousal), we propose that the default mode network (DMN) is additionally important for constructing discrete emotional experiences (of anger, fear, disgust, etc.). Findings from neuroimaging studies, invasive electrical stimulation studies, and […]
Published on August 17, 2019