In response to our recent claim that ‘Readers are parallel processors’ [1], our peers have voiced several ideas that will undoubtedly help illuminate the road to scientific consensus about the reading brain. Schotter and Payne [2] echo our plea for bridging traditionally isolated literatures [3]. In terms of theory, our model OB1-reader is one attempt […]
Published on August 31, 2019
In their compelling opinion piece, Snell and Grainger [1] breathe new life into the debate about parallel versus serial processing of text during reading. They marshal several pieces of evidence against the established view that words are recognized one at a time. We agree that this debate ‘cannot be resolved without treading beyond the methodological […]
Published on August 31, 2019
In a recent opinion article, Snell and Grainger (S&G) [1] argued that the debate over serial versus parallel processing (SvP) in reading was due for a paradigm shift. S&G cover several SvP issues in language processing broadly, but in doing so have lost scope of the crux of this debate as it pertains to reading: […]
Published on August 31, 2019