Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

The Embodied God: Core Intuitions About Person Physicality Coexist and Interfere With Acquired Christian Beliefs About God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus

Abstract Why are disembodied extraordinary beings like gods and spirits prevalent in past and present theologies? Under the intuitive Cartesian dualism hypothesis, this is because it is natural to conceptualize of minds as separate from bodies; under the counterintuitiveness hypothesis, this is because beliefs in minds without bodies are unnatural—such beliefs violate core knowledge intuitions […]

Published on September 16, 2019

Age and Ketogenic Diet Have Dissociable Effects on Synapse-Related Gene Expression Between Hippocampal Subregions

As the number of individuals living beyond the age of 65 is rapidly increasing, so is the need to develop strategies to combat the age-related cognitive decline that may threaten independent living. Although the link between altered neuronal signaling and age-related cognitive impairments is not completely understood, it is evident that declining cognitive abilities are […]

Published on September 14, 2019

Can Acupuncture Treatment of Hypertension Improve Brain Health? A Mini Review

With age, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., dementia and Alzheimer’s) are some of the leading causes of death in the United States. Related to these outcomes is the increased prevalence of hypertension, which independently increases the development of cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. While a direct mechanistic link between hypertension and poor brain health is unknown, […]

Published on September 13, 2019