Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Neural Entrainment and Attentional Selection in the Listening Brain

The streams of sounds we typically attend to abound in acoustic regularities. Neural entrainment is seen as an important mechanism that the listening brain exploits to attune to these regularities and to enhance the representation of attended sounds. We delineate the neurophysiology underlying this mechanism and review entrainment alongside its more pragmatic signature, often called […]

Published on October 10, 2019

Exploring EEG Effective Connectivity Network in Estimating Influence of Color on Emotion and Memory

Color is a perceptual stimulus that has a significant impact on improving human emotion and memory. Studies have revealed that colored multimedia learning materials (MLMs) have a positive effect on learner’s emotion and learning where it was assessed by subjective/objective measurements. This study aimed to quantitatively assess the influence of colored MLMs on emotion, cognitive […]

Published on October 9, 2019

An Alternative Theory of Binocularity

The fact that seeing with two eyes is universal among vertebrates raises a problem that has long challenged vision scientists: how do animals with overlapping visual fields combine non-identical right and left eye images to achieve fusion and the perception of depth that follows? Most theories address this problem in terms of matching corresponding images […]

Published on October 9, 2019