Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Diabetes, a Contemporary Risk for Parkinson’s Disease: Epidemiological and Cellular Evidences

Diabetes mellitus (DM), a group of diseases characterized by defective glucose metabolism, is the most widespread metabolic disorder affecting over 400 million adults worldwide. This pathological condition has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of central encephalopathies and peripheral neuropathies. In further support of this notion, recent epidemiological evidence suggests a link between […]

Published on November 8, 2019

Neural Network Model for Detection of Edges Defined by Image Dynamics

Insects can detect the presence of discrete objects in their visual fields based on a range of differences in spatiotemporal characteristics between the images of object and background. This includes but is not limited to relative motion. Evidence suggests that edge detection is an integral part of this capability, and this study examines the ability […]

Published on November 7, 2019

Longitudinal Changes in Functional Connectivity of the Caudate Is Associated With Recovery From Bell’s Palsy

Several studies have demonstrated through resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that functional connectivity changes are important in the recovery from Bell’s palsy (BP); however, these studies have only focused on the cortico-cortical connectivity. It is unclear how corticostriatal connectivity relates to the recovery process of patients with BP. In the present study, we evaluated […]

Published on November 7, 2019