Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Principles of Mutual Information Maximization and Energy Minimization Affect the Activation Patterns of Large Scale Networks in the Brain

Successive patterns of activation and deactivation in local areas of the brain indicate the mechanisms of information processing in the brain. It is possible that this process can be optimized by principles, such as the maximization of mutual information and the minimization of energy consumption. In the present paper, I showed evidence for this argument […]

Published on January 9, 2020

Functional Adaptation of Oromotor Functions and Aging: A Focused Review of the Evidence From Brain Neuroimaging Research

“Practice makes perfect” is a principle widely applied when one is acquiring a new sensorimotor skill to cope with challenges from a new environment. In terms of oral healthcare, the traditional view holds that restoring decayed structures is one of the primary aims of treatment. This assumes that the patient’s oromotor functions would be recovered […]

Published on January 9, 2020

Relationship Between Risk Factors and Brain Reserve in Late Middle Age: Implications for Cognitive Aging

BackgroundBrain reserve can be defined as the individual variation in the brain structural characteristics that later in life are likely to modulate cognitive performance. Late midlife represents a point in aging where some structural brain imaging changes have become manifest but the effects of cognitive aging are minimal, and thus may represent an ideal opportunity […]

Published on January 9, 2020