Cognitive Science

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Acquisition of the Meaning of the Word Orange Requires Understanding of the Meanings of Red, Pink, and Purple: Constructing a Lexicon as a Connected System

Abstract This research investigated how children build up the language‐specific system of the color lexicon, examining factors that play important roles for the construction of an adult‐like color lexicon. We had 3‐, 4‐, and 5‐year‐old Japanese‐speaking children and adults (n = 20, 18, 19, and 19, respectively) produce names for 93 color swatches. The results showed that children […]

Published on January 6, 2020

Switching Tracks? Towards a Multidimensional Model of Utilitarian Psychology

Sacrificial moral dilemmas are widely used to investigate when, how, and why people make judgments that are consistent with utilitarianism. However, to what extent can responses to sacrificial dilemmas shed light on utilitarian decision making? We consider two key questions. First, how meaningful is the relationship between responses to sacrificial dilemmas, and what is distinctive […]

Published on January 6, 2020