Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

The Fundamental Problem with No-Cognition Paradigms

A central controversy in consciousness science concerns whether the neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) exclusively reside posterior to the central sulcus or also include frontal regions [1–4]. In a recent Trends in Cognitive Sciences article, Block [5] contends that popular ‘no-report’ paradigms [6,7] cannot settle this dispute, since absence of report is consistent with extensive […]

Published on January 29, 2020

Novel Volumetric Sub-region Segmentation in Brain Tumors

A novel deep learning based model called Multi-Planar Spatial Convolutional Neural Network (MPS-CNN) is proposed for effective, automated segmentation of different sub-regions viz. peritumoral edema (ED), necrotic core (NCR), enhancing and non-enhancing tumor core (ET/NET), from multi-modal MR images of the brain. An encoder-decoder type CNN model is designed for pixel-wise segmentation of the tumor […]

Published on January 24, 2020

Space: A Missing Piece of the Dynamic Puzzle

There has been growing interest in studying the temporal reconfiguration of brain functional connectivity to understand the role of dynamic interaction (e.g., integration and segregation) among neuronal populations in cognitive functions. However, it is crucial to differentiate between various dynamic properties because nearly all existing dynamic connectivity studies are presented as spatiotemporally dynamic, even though […]

Published on January 24, 2020