Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Predicting to Perceive and Learning When to Learn

In their insightful piece, Press et al. scrutinize predictive processing theories of perception [1], which hold that perception involves inferences based on prior beliefs and prediction errors: in some cases, priors explain away incoming data, facilitating the processing of surprising events. In other cases, events consistent with priors are afforded extra processing. How can this […]

Published on February 11, 2020

Clustering of Brain Function Network Based on Attribute and Structural Information and Its Application in Brain Diseases

At present, the diagnosis of brain disease is mainly based on the self-reported symptoms and clinical signs of the patient, which can easily lead to psychiatrists’ bias. The purpose of this study is to develop a brain network clustering model to accurately identify brain diseases based on resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in […]

Published on February 9, 2020

Optimizing Computer–Brain Interface Parameters for Non-invasive Brain-to-Brain Interface

A non-invasive, brain-to-brain interface (BBI) requires precision neuromodulation and high temporal resolution as well as portability to increase accessibility. A BBI is a combination of the brain–computer interface (BCI) and the computer–brain interface (CBI). The optimization of BCI parameters has been extensively researched, but CBI has not. Parameters taken from the BCI and CBI literature […]

Published on February 9, 2020