Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Reward Prediction Error and Declarative Memory

Learning based on reward prediction error (RPE) was originally proposed in the context of nondeclarative memory. We postulate that RPE may support declarative memory as well. Indeed, recent years have witnessed a number of independent empirical studies reporting effects of RPE on declarative memory. We provide a brief overview of these studies, identify emerging patterns, […]

Published on March 19, 2020

Action Potential: A Vortex Phenomena; Driving Membrane Oscillations

Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model has been one of the most successful electrical interpretation of nerve membrane which led to revolutions in the field of computational neuroscience. On the contrary, experimental observations indicate that, an Action Potential (AP) is accompanied with certain physiological changes in the nerve membrane such as, production and absorption of heat; variation of […]

Published on March 18, 2020

Novel Targets for Stroke Therapy: Special Focus on TRPC Channels and TRPC6

Stroke remains a leading cause of death, disability, and medical care burden worldwide. However, transformation from laboratory findings toward effective pharmacological interventions for clinical stroke has been unsatisfactory. Novel evidence has been gained on the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic potential related to the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in several disorders. The TRP superfamily consists […]

Published on March 18, 2020