Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Efficient Communication in Written and Performed Music

Abstract Since its inception, Shannon’s information theory has attracted interest for the study of language and music. Recently, a wide range of converging studies have shown how efficient communication pervades language, from phonetics to syntax. Efficient principles imply that more resources should be assigned to highly informative items. For instance, average information content was shown […]

Published on March 27, 2020

Global–Local Incompatibility: The Misperception of Reliability in Judgment Regarding Global Variables

Abstract A number of important decision domains, including decisions about hiring, global warming, and weather hazards, are characterized by a global–local incompatibility. These domains involve variables that cannot be observed by a single decision maker (DM) and require the integration of observations from locally available information cues. This paper presents a new bifocal lens model […]

Published on March 26, 2020

Finite Element Simulation of Ionic Electrodiffusion in Cellular Geometries

Mathematical models for excitable cells are commonly based on cable theory, which considers a homogenized domain and spatially constant ionic concentrations. Although such models provide valuable insight, the effect of altered ion concentrations or detailed cell morphology on the electrical potentials cannot be captured. In this paper, we discuss an alternative approach to detailed modeling […]

Published on March 25, 2020